XiaoHuang's Space
XiaoHuang's Space
May the force be with you.
「CF630C」Lucky Numbers
Posted: Dec 11, 2019
Last Modified: Mar 01, 2020
This article was last modified days ago. The content of this post may be outdated!


Portal1: Codeforces

Portal2: Luogu


The numbers of all offices in the new building of the Tax Office of IT City will have lucky numbers.

Lucky number is a number that consists of digits $7$ and $8$ only. Find the maximum number of offices in the new building of the Tax Office given that a door-plate can hold a number not longer than $n$ digits.


The only line of input contains one integer $n (1 \le n \le 55)$ — the maximum length of a number that a door-plate can hold.


Output one integer — the maximum number of offices, than can have unique lucky numbers not longer than $n$ digits.

Sample Input


Sample Output



题目要我们构造$1 \sim n$位由$7, 8$的数的个数。我们先来找一找规律:

位数为$1$时:有$7, 8$,共$2 \times 2 ^ 0 = 2$种;

位数为$2$时:有$77, 78, 87, 88$,共$2 \times 2 ^ 1 = 4$种;

位数为$3$时:有$777, 778, 787, 788, 877, 878, 887, 888$共$2 \times 2 ^ 2 = 8$种;

$\cdots \cdots$

所以,位数是$n$的总个数是$2 \times 2 ^ {n - 1}$;

那么位数为$1 \sim n$的总个数为

$$\begin{aligned} \sum^{n}_{i = 1}{2 \times 2 ^ {i - 1}} & = 2 \times \sum^{n}_{i = 1}{2 ^ {i - 1}} \\\ & = 2 \times (2 ^ {n} - 2) \\\ & = 2 ^ {n + 1} - 2\end{aligned}$$




using namespace std;

typedef long long LL;
LL n;
inline LL power(LL x, LL y) {//求x的y次方
    LL ret = 1;
    for (LL i = 1; i <= y; i++)
        ret *= x;
    return ret;
int main() {
    scanf("%lld", &n);
    printf("%lld\n", power(2, n + 1) - 2);//推出来的公式
    return 0;
Article License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Article Author: XiaoHuang
  1. 1. Portal
  2. 2. Description
  3. 3. Input
  4. 4. Output
  5. 5. Sample Input
  6. 6. Sample Output
  7. 7. Solution
  8. 8. Code
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