XiaoHuang's Space
XiaoHuang's Space
May the force be with you.
『题解』Codeforces888D Almost Identity Permutations
Posted: Dec 11, 2019
Last Modified: Dec 13, 2019
This article was last modified days ago. The content of this post may be outdated!


Portal1: Codeforces

Portal2: Luogu


A permutation $p$ of size $n$ is an array such that every integer from $1$ to $n$ occurs exactly once in this array.

Let’s call a permutation an almost identity permutation iff there exist at least $n - k$ indices $i (1 \le i \le n)$ such that $p_i = i$.

Your task is to count the number of almost identity permutations for given numbers n and k.


The first line contains two integers $n$ and $k (4 \le n \le 1000, 1 \le k \le 4)$.


Print the number of almost identity permutations for given $n$ and $k$.

Sample Input1

4 1

Sample Output1


Sample Input2

4 2

Sample Output2


Sample Input3

5 3

Sample Output3


Sample Input4

5 4

Sample Output4


Description in Chinese

给出$n$和$k$计算满足至少有$n - k$个位置的值$a_i = i$的$1 \sim n$的全排列的个数。


观察题目,发现$k$的范围是$1 \sim 4$,我们不妨来分类讨论。

  1. 当$k = 1$时,有$n - 1$个位置的数是固定的,也就是有$1$个位置是自由的,呵呵,因为要填$1 \sim n$,发现填的数也只有一种。

  2. 当$k = 2$时,有$n - 2$个位置是固定的,还有$2$个位置是可以自由填数的,选位置的方案有$\binom{n}{2}$,我们先计算有$n - 2$个位置固定且仅有$n - 2$个位置固定的情况,每一个选位置的方案可以有$(2 - 1) \times = 1$种放法,因为每一个位置不能填自己的编号。

 id: 1 2
num: 2 1

所以一共有$\binom{n}{2} \times 1$种,然后再加上$k = 1$的情况,即答案为$\binom{n}{2} \times 1 + 1 =\binom{n}{2} + 1$。

  1. 当$k = 3$时,同情况$2$,答案为$\binom{n}{3} \times 2 + \binom{n}{2} \times 1 + 1 = 2 \times \binom{n}{3} + \binom{n}{2} + 1$。

  2. 当$k = 4$时,同情况$2$,答案为$\binom{n}{4} \times 9 + \binom{n}{3} \times 2 + \binom{n}{2} \times 1 + 1 = 9 \times \binom{n}{4} + 2 \times \binom{n}{3} + \binom{n}{2} + 1$。



using namespace std;

typedef long long LL;
int n, k;
inline LL Combination(int x, int y) {//求组合数
    LL ret = 1;
    for (int i = x; i >= x - y + 1; i--)
        ret *= i;
    for (int i = 1; i <= y; i++)
        ret /= i;
    return ret;
int main() {
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &k);
    if (k == 1) printf("1\n"); else
    if (k == 2) printf("%lld\n", Combination(n, 2) + 1); else
    if (k == 3) printf("%lld\n", Combination(n, 2) + Combination(n, 3) * 2 + 1); else
    if (k == 4) printf("%lld\n", Combination(n, 2) + Combination(n, 3) * 2 + Combination(n, 4) * 9 + 1);//分类讨论
    return 0;
Article License: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
Article Author: XiaoHuang
  1. 1. Portal
  2. 2. Description
  3. 3. Input
  4. 4. Output
  5. 5. Sample Input1
  6. 6. Sample Output1
  7. 7. Sample Input2
  8. 8. Sample Output2
  9. 9. Sample Input3
  10. 10. Sample Output3
  11. 11. Sample Input4
  12. 12. Sample Output4
  13. 13. Description in Chinese
  14. 14. Solution
  15. 15. Code
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